Land’s End One-Place Study

1871 Census of England & Wales

Bursledon, Hampshire

I have determined that the enumerator followed a loop around the village, starting at the bridge in the east and ending at the vicarage in the west. The map I used to follow the path was the OS County Series, 1:2500, published in 1871, the same year as this census. I have recreated some of the landmarks in my own map below. No street names are indicated on this map, so any mention of street names here are the modern-day equivalents.

Key locations:

  • The last place the enumerator visited before entering the village was the Hoe Moor Brick Works, as evidenced by the occupations of the people recorded here and their location. However, I’m unsure if they began at Maidenstone Heath or directly at the bridge. The Brick Works was located in Hoe Moor Copse and is not evident on a modern map.

  • The first landmarked location is Schedule 54, The Swan Public House. In 1871, the head of the house, Robert HICKLEY was the publican. The pub stood at the corner of what is now Bridge Road and Church Lane. This entry of The Swan Hotel on the Lost Pubs Project website indicates that “the first swan stood on what was the car park and faced the river.”

  • From The Swan, the enumerator travelled north on Bridge Road to the next marked landmark, Oak Hill House, or Oak Hill Lodge, on my 1871 map. Thomas W. OLIVER, a 38-year-old Lieutenant in the Royal Navy and the Landowner, headed the household at Schedule 59. He lived here with his wife, Elizabeth, one-year-old son, Thomas L., and his mother-in-law, Elizabeth BERRY. They had two servants, a nurse and a general domestic. The house sits where Oakhill, Dodwell Lane, and Bridge Road meet today.

  • The next landmark I can only interpret from the location indicated on Schedule 60 as “Cottage & Farm”. Most locations are Cottages in Bursledon, and only one farm is marked on the 1871 map. However, beginning with the maps from the 1900s, nearby Oak Hill at the corners of Oakhill and Portsmouth Road is called Redcroft Farm. This is near the location marked Lower Claypits on the 1871 map. The landowner and farmer here is Joseph B. CUDLIPP, who lives with his family. The Redcroft Farmhouse is an officially listed building.

  • Then, heading down present-day Long Lane, the occupation of household Schedule 62, Benjamin ROLES, as an Independent Minister (of Bursledon) matches roughly the location of the Independent Chapel marked on the map. Benjamin lived in a cottage with his wife, Rhoda, and one-year-old daughter, Mariam.

  • The households at Schedules 66 and 67 list Highfield Lodge and House location names. No area is marked with this name on the map, but the next area of considerable size is marked Ploverfield. The lodge's residents include the Thomas BLAND family, whose occupation is a Coachman, probably for the house's residents, the family of Joseph Dean BROWNE. Joseph was a retired farmer from Ireland, living with his wife, Georgeana. They also employed a butler, a lodge maid, a cook, and a housemaid.

  • From here, the enumerator went south down Long Lane to the National School marked on the 1871 map. I noted the Parsonage nearby, but I believe the enumerator ended their loop around Bursledon as one of the last households. While not marked as an address, Schedule 68, immediately after the residence of Highfield House, Richard SHARP, is recorded as a Certificated School Master at the National School, so it would make sense that he and his wife also lived here. There are also a few named cottages around this area, but I have not yet discovered their locations from any available information.

  • I lose track of exactly where the enumerator travels between the school and the Jolly Sailor, but I believe, given the area where landmarks pick back up again after the Jolly Sailor that they travelled east along School Road and then north and around Church Lane, back toward St. Leonard’s Church. From here, they made their way south and toward the Jolly Sailor and Land’s End.

  • I believe the enumerator went to the Jolly Sailor, down Land’s End Road and then up again to record the Daniel BIRCH family at Schedule 101. Because the Jolly Sailor is toward the top of Land’s End, I suspect every household that appears between that and the New Inn could all be residents of this one road, but I' am not completely positive yet. I did not transcribe much more after the residences at The New Inn, however I can tell that the enumerator then went on to Elm Lodge and finishing up at The Vicarage, which completes the loop around the village.

Census records. England. Bursledon, Hampshire. 02 April 1871. PN 1195. FL 11. SN 89. pp. 10; 16-18. National Archives, Kew, England. : accessed 22 August 2024.

The undermentioned Houses are situate within the Boundaries of the

Civil Parish or Township of Bursledon

City or Municipal Borough of

Municipal Ward of

Parliamentary Borough of

Town of

Village or Hamlet, &c. of Bursledon

Local Board, or [Improvement Commissioners District] of

Ecclesiastical District of Bursledon

Page No. of Schedule ROAD, STREET, &c., and No. or NAME of HOUSE HOUSES Inhabited HOUSES Uninhabited (U.) or Building (B.) NAME and Surname of each Person RELATION to the Head of the Family CONDITION SEX AGE Rank, Profession or OCCUPATION WHERE BORN Whether 1. Deaf-and-Dumb 2. Blind 3. Imbecile or Idiot 4. Lunatic
9 1 Bursledon Village 1 Henry Snook Head Wid[owe]r Male 72 Carpenter & Joiner (Unemployed) Hants, Bursledon
10 50 Bursledon Village (Cottages) 1 1U James McKinney Head Mar[ried] Male 47 Seaman Naval Pensioner Scotland
Eliza McKinney Wife Mar[ried] Female 31 Seaman's Wife Somerset, Lamyat
Elizabeth Tiller Visitor Mar[ried] Female 36 Wife of Plasterer Hants, Bishops Waltham
Sophia Tiller Visitor Unm[arried] Female 15 Dau[ghte]r of Plasterer Hants, Swerford
10 51 Cottages 1 John Turner Head Mar[ried] Male 28 Sawyer (Jobber) Hants, Bursledon
Eliza Turner Wife Mar[ried] Female 28 Sawyer’s Wife Hants, Hedge End
George Turner Son Male 6 Scholar Hants, Bursledon
John Turner Son Male 3 Hants, Bursledon
Thomas Turner Son Male 2 Hants, Bursledon
Eliza A. Turner Dau[ghte]r Female 1 mo Hants, Bursledon
10 52 Cottages 1 John Ewer Head Wid[owe]r Male 54 Fisherman Hants, Bursledon
Charles Ewer Son Unm[arried] Male 18 Fisherman Hants, Bursledon
George G. Ewer Son Male 10 Fisherman's Son Hants, Bursledon
Walter Ewer Son Male 8 Scholar Hants, Bursledon
10 54 (The Swan) Public House 1 Robert Hickley Head Wid[owe]r Male 84 Licensed Victualler (Publican) Hants, Curdridge Cunnon
James Coster Son-in-Law Wid[owe]r Male 45 Retired Butcher Hants, Southsea
John Shephard Son-in-Law Mar[ried] Male 43 Master Gardener Devon, Lolcomb
Eliza Shephard Daughter Mar[ried] Female 43 Waitress Hants, Bursledon
William Shephard Grandson Male 7 Scholar Kent, Woolwich
James Shephard Grandson Male 5 Scholar Middlesex, Paddington
Edward Shephard Grandson Male 3 Hants, Bursledon
Maria Hickley Daughter Unm[arried] Female 38 Publican's Daughter Hants, Bursledon
10 55 Cottage 1 George Fox Head Mar[ried] Male 28 Mariner (aboard a Yacht) Hants, Bursledon
Mary A. Fox Wife Mar[ried] Female 26 Mariner's Wife Dorset, Strickland
11 56 Bursledon Village (Cottages) 1 John Emery Head Mar[ried] Male 69 Ag[ricultural] Lab[ourer] Hants, Durnford
Mary A. Emery Wife Mar[ried] Female 55 Midwife Hants, Botley
Joshua Emery Son Unm[arried] Male 25 Ag[ricultural] Lab[ourer] Hants, Bursledon
Eliza C. Emery Granddaughter Female 10 Scholar Hants, Bursledon
11 57 Cottages 1 Oliver Spencer Head Mar[ried] Male 37 Ag[ricultural] Lab[ourer] Hants, Hound
Francis Spencer Wife Mar[ried] Female 32 Ag[ricultural] Lab[ourer]'s Wife Hants, Bursledon
Joshua Spencer Son Unm[arried] Male 11 Ag[ricultural] Lab[ourer] Hants, Bursledon
Louisa Spencer Dau[ghte]r Female 9 Scholar Hants, Bursledon
Ellen Spencer Dau[ghte]r Female 3 Hants, Bursledon
Henry Spencer Son Male 1 Hants, Bursledon
11 58 Cottages 1 John J. Banett Head Mar[ried] Male 54 Dairyman & Gardner Surrey, Lambeth
Leada Banett Wife Mar[ried] Female 46 Dairyman's Wife Hants, Froxfield
Henry Hedge Brother-in-Law Mar[ried] Male 44 Gardener (Jobbing) Hants, Froxfield
Mary J. Hedge Niece Unm[arried] Female 13 Gardener's Daughter Hants, Gosport
11 59 Oak Hill House 1 Thomas W. Oliver Head Mar[ried] Male 38 Lieutenant Royal Navy Active Service & Landowner Dorset, Child Okeford
Elizabeth Oliver Wife Mar[ried] Female 33 Lieutenant's Wife Cumberland, Keswick
Thomas L. Oliver Son Male 1 Hants, Bursledon
Elizabeth Berry Mother-in-Law Mar[ried] Female 58 Annuitant Cumberland, Keswick
Ruth Dowse Servant Unm[arried] Female 25 Nurse Domestic Servant Hants, Bishop Waltham
Ann Lowe Servant Unm[arried] Female 19 Housemaid Domestic Servant Hants, Exbury
11 60 Cottage & Farm 1 Joseph B. Cudlipp Head Mar[ried] Male 51 Landowner (Farmer) Hants, Bursledon
Elizabeth Cudlipp Wife Mar[ried] Female 51 Landowner's Wife Hants, Portsmouth
Ann R. Cudlipp Daughter Unm[arried] Female 20 Landowner's Daughter Hants, Bursledon
William J. Cudlipp Son Unm[arried] Male 17 Wheelwright & Carpenter (Apprentice) Hants, Bursledon
Louisa M. Cudlipp Daughter Female 15 Scholar Hants, Bursledon
12 Bursledon Village Walter H. Cudlipp Son Male 13 Scholar Hants, Bursledon
Eliza C. Cudlipp Dau[ghte]r Female 8 Scholar Hants, Bursledon
12 61 Cottages 1 Joseph J. Goulder Head Mar[ried] Male 35 Mariner (Merchant Ship) Hants, Portsea
Jane Goulder Wife Mar[ried] Female 32 Mariner's Wife Hants, Lyndhurst
Lucy J. Goulder Dau[ghte]r Female 8 Scholar Hants, Southampton
Mary M. Goulder Dau[ghte]r Female 6 Scholar Hants, Woolston
Joseph T. Goulder Son Male 4 Hants, Woolston
Emma J. Goulder Dau[ghte]r Female 1 Hants, Woolston
12 62 Cottages 1 Benjamin Roles Head Mar[ried] Male 33 Independent Minister (of Bursledon) Dorset, Wareham
Rhoda Roles Wife Mar[ried] Female 28 Minister's Wife Hants, Titchfield
Miriam Roles Dau[ghte]r Female 1 Hants, Bursledon
12 63 Cottages 1 James T. Polinghorn Head Mar[ried] Male 27 Seaman (of Royal Navy) Hants, Portsmouth
Mary J. Polinghorn Wife Mar[ried] Female 25 Seaman's Wife Hants, Portsmouth
12 64 Cottages 1 Alfred Morvant Head Unm[arried] Male 40 Ag[ricultural] Lab[ourer] Hants, Bursledon
Emily Morvant Sister Unm[arried] Female 47 Laundress Hants, Bursledon
12 65 Cottages 1 Ann Read Head W[idow] Female 40 Laundress Worcester, Rockley
Eliz Espey Dau[ghte]r Unm[arried] Female 16 Laundress Daughter Essex, Plaster Marsh
Ann Read Dau[ghte]r Unm[arried] Female 10 Scholar Hants, Bursledon
12 66 Highfield Lodge 1 Thomas Bland Head Mar[ried] Male 32 Coachman Domestic Servant Norfolk, Gayton
Charlotte Bland Wife Mar[ried] Female 34 Coachman's Wife Wilts, Damerham
Harry Bland Son Male 4 Scholar Hants, Alresford
Alice Bland Dau[ghte]r Female 2 Hants, Bursledon
12 67 Highfield House 1 Joseph Deane Head Mar[ried] Male 64 Retired Farmer Ireland
Georgeana C. Browne Wife Mar[ried] Female 50 Retired Farmer's Wife Northampton, Northamptonshire
John Pettit Ser[vant] Mar[ried] Male 53 Butler Domestic Servant Northamptonshire, Exton
13 68 Cottage 1 Richard Sharp Head Mar[ried] Male 35 Certificated School Master (National School) Sussex, Sidlesham
Sarah Sharp Wife Mar[ried] Female 33 Certificated School Master's Wife Hants, Isle of Wight (Newport)
13 69 Rose Cottage 1 Iram Spencer Head Mar[ried] Male 30 Master Mariner (Merchant Ship) Hants, Bursledon
Emma Spencer Wife Mar[ried] Female 27 Master Mariner's Wife Hants, Bursledon
Thomas Spencer Son Male 10 Scholar Hants, Bursledon
Iram Spencer Son Male 6 Scholar Hants, Bursledon
Oliver Spencer Son Male 5 Scholar Hants, Bursledon
Rosalind Spencer Dau[ghte]r Female 4 mo Hants, Bursledon
Mary J. Spencer Sister Unm[arried] Female 24 Dressmaker Hants, Bursledon
13 70 Penton Cottage 1 James Croucher Head Mar[ried] Male 64 Retired Mariner (Merchant Ship) Hants, Isle of Wight (Yarmouth)
Jane Croucher Wife Mar[ried] Female 63 Retired Mariner's Wife Hants, Isle of Wight (Newport)
John Croucher Grandson Male 7 Scholar Hants, Isle of Wight (Ryde)
13 71 Penton Cottage 1 William R. Croucher Head Mar[ried] Male 28 Master Mariner (Merchant Ship) Hants, Isle of Wight (Newport)
Elizabeth Croucher Wife Mar[ried] Female 26 Master Mariner's Wife Suffolk, Leiston
William H. Croucher Son Male 1 Hants, Bursledon
13 72 Cottage 1 William Birch Head Mar[ried] Male 22 General Lab[ourer] Buckingham (Fenne Shalpor)
Emma J. Birch Wife Mar[ried] Female 22 General Lab[ourer]'s Wife Devon, Plymouth
William H. Birch Son Male 8 mo Hants, Bursledon
13 73 Upcot House 1 William Lee Head Mar[ried] Male 63 Retired Publican Kent, Woolwich
Faith Lee Wife Mar[ried] Female 66 Retired Publican's Wife Hants, Worthy
Fanny Lee Dau[ghte]r Unm[arried] Female 37 Retired Publican's Daughter Hants, Otterbourne
14 74 Bursledon Village (Cottages) 1 Phillis Garrett Head W[idow] Female 40 Midwife Hants, Swanwick Titchfield
Mary J. Garrett Dau[ghte]r Unm[arried] Female 17 Dressmaker Hants, Bursledon
Elizabeth P. Garrett Dau[ghte]r Female 11 Scholar Hants, Bursledon
Charles C. Garrett Son Male 7 Scholar Hants, Bursledon
John H. Garrett Son Male 5 Scholar Hants, Bursledon
14 75 Cottages 1 Edmond Spencer Head Mar[ried] Male 35 General Lab[ourer] Hants, Bursledon
Sophia Spencer Wife Mar[ried] Female 33 General Lab[ourer]'s Wife Hants, Bursledon
George Spencer Son Un[married] Male 15 General Lab[ourer]'s Son Hants, Botley
John Spencer Son Male 10 General Lab[ourer]'s Son Hants, South Stoneham
14 76 Cottages 1 Eliza Ann Stevens Wife Mar[ried] Female 25 Mariner's Wife (M[erchant] S[hip]) Hants, Southampton
Sarah A. Stevens Dau[ghte]r Female 6 Scholar Hants, Bursledon
Oliva J. Stevens Dau[ghte]r Female 3 Hants, Bursledon
14 77 Cottages 1 Sarah Parker Wife Mar[ried] Female 29 Mariner's Wife (M[erchant] S[hip]) Hants, Bursledon
14 78 Cottages 1 Joseph T. Stephens Head Mar[ried] Male 29 Coal Meter Hants, Bursledon
Eliza Stephens Wife Mar[ried] Female 28 Coal Meter's Wife France (British Subject)
Sarah W. Stephens Dau[ghte]r Female 8 Scholar Hants, Bursledon
Joseph T. Stephens Son Male 6 Scholar Hants, Bursledon
William C. Stephens Son Male 4 Scholar Hants, Bursledon
Eliza Stephens Dau[ghte]r Female 2 Hants, Bursledon
Thomas Stephens Son Male 4 mo Hants, Bursledon
14 79 Cottages 1 Peter Mears Head Mar[ried] Male 54 Barge-man Hants, Curbridge
Eliza Mears Wife Mar[ried] Female 57 Barge-man's Wife Hants, Bursledon
George Mears Son Un[married] Male 23 Seaman (Merchant Ship) Hants, Bursledon
15 80 Bursledon Village (Cottages) 1 Admija Bevis Head Mar[ried] M 42 Seaman (Merchant Ship) Hants Bursledon
Ann Bevis Wife Mar[ried] F 41 Seaman's Wife Hants Winchester
John Bevis Son Unm[arried] M 20 Seaman (Merchant Ship) Hants Bursledon
Ann Bevis Dau[ghte]r F 11 Scholar Hants Bursledon
Abalan Bevis Son M 8 Scholar Hants Bursledon
Sarah Bevis Dau[ghte]r F 6 Scholar Hants Bursledon
15 81 Cottages 1 Charles C. Stephens Head Mar[ried] M 21 Seaman (Merchant Ship) Hants Bursledon
Rosa B. Stephens Wife Mar[ried] F 20 Seaman's Wife Wiltshire Lacock
Hettie J. Stephens Dau[ghte]r F 2 mo Hants Bursledon
15 82 Cottages 1 John Buddell Head Mar[ried] M 51 Pensioner Sailor (of Royal Navy) Sussex Sidlesham
Ann Buddell Wife Mar[ried] F 55 Pensioner Sailor's Wife Sussex Selsey
15 83 Cottages 1 Solomon Bevis Head Mar[ried] M 44 Mariner (General) Hants Bursledon
Maria Bevis Wife Mar[ried] F 45 Mariner's Wife Hants Redbridge
Solomon Bevis Son Unm[arried] M 23 Sailor (Merchant Ship) Hants Southampton
George Bevis Son {?} M 19 Sailor (Merchant Ship) Hants Southampton
Sarah A. Bevis Dau[ghte]r F 13 Mariner's Daughter Hants Hamble
Alive Bevis Dau[ghte]r F 8 Scholar Hants Bursledon
Edith L. Bevis Dau[ghte]r F 6 Scholar Hants Bursledon
15 84 Cottages 1 John Wiltshire Head Mar[ried] M 33 General Lab[ourer] Hants Bursledon
Mary A. Wiltshire Wife Mar[ried] F 40 General Lab[ourer]'s Wife Hants Bursledon
William Goddard Son M 14 Gardener's Ser[vant] Hants Bursledon
Mary Jane Wiltshire Dau[ghte]r F 8 Scholar Hants Bursledon
Alice Wiltshire Dau[ghte]r F 6 Scholar Hants Bursledon
Elizabeth Wiltshire Dau[ghte]r F 4 Hants Bursledon
John Wiltshire Son M 1 Hants Bursledon
16 85 Bursledon Village (Cottages) 1 Martha Grant Wife Mar[rried] Female 54 {Dressmaker?} Hants Portsmouth
16 86 Cottages 1 James Scott Head Mar[rried] Male 26 Army Hospital corps (Netley) S Leicester
Annie Scott Wife Mar[rried] Female 19 Army Hospital corp's Wife Hants Portsmouth
William J. Scott Son Male 11 mo Hants Bursledon
16 87 Cottages 1 Mary A. Croucher Head W[idow] Female 31 Widow of Seaman (M[erchant] S[hip]) Hants Southampton
James C. Croucher Son Male 9 Scholar Hants Bursledon
Reuben G. Croucher Son Male 8 Scholar Hants Bursledon
Charles W. Croucher Son Male 7 Scholar Hants Bursledon
Henry T. Croucher Son Male 5 Scholar Hants Bursledon
Alfred J. Croucher Son Male 2 Hants Bursledon
16 88 Cottages 1 Charlotte Coles Head Unm[arried] Female 60 Annuitant (Rent from houses) Hants Southampton
Elizabeth C. Brair Niece Unm[arried] Female 29 Annuitant (Rent from houses) Middlesex Clarkenwell
Sarah R. Brair Niece Unm[arried] Female 18 Annuitant (Rent from houses) Middlesex Stepney
16 89 The Jolley Sailor Public House 1 Charles Jarvis Head Mar[rried] Male 66 Malt-Brewer & Retailer Hants, Bursledon
Sarah Jarvis Wife Mar[rried] Female 67 Malt-Brewer & Retailer's Wife Hants, West Cowes, Isle of Wight
Charles Bevis Nephew Unm[arried] Male 21 General Domestic Servant Hants, Bursledon
16 90 Cottages 1 John Turner Head Mar[rried] Male 59 Sawyer (Jobber) Hants, Bursledon
Harriet Turner Wife Mar[rried] Female 60 Sawyer's Wife Hants, Hound
16 91 Edward Gregory Head Mar[rried] Male 37 Mariner (Merchant-Ship) Hants, Sarisbury Titchfield
Ann Gregory Wife Mar[rried] Female 36 Mariner's Wife Hants, Bursledon
Elizabeth Gregory Dau[ghte]r Female 12 Scholar Hants, Bursledon
Olive Gregory Dau[ghte]r Female 10 Scholar Hants, Bursledon
16 92 Cottages 1 Solomon Bevis Head Mar[rried] Male 69 Barge-man Hants, Sarisbury Titchfield
Sarah Bevis Wife Mar[rried] Female 70 Barge-man's Wife Hants, Bursledon
17 93 Cottages 1 Phillip Wallis Head W[idower] Male 66 Worker in fields Hants, Bursledon
William Wallis Son Unm[arried] Male 40 General Labourer Hants, Bursledon
Isabella Fielder Dau[ghte]r Mar[rried] Female 23 Seaman's Wife (M[erchant] S[hip]) Hants, Bursledon
17 94 Cottages 1 Edward White Head Mar[rried] Male 41 Bricklayer (Master employing 1 man) Wilts, Salisbury
Mary White Wife Mar[rried] Female 32 Bricklayer's Wife Hants, Rockbourn
George Waterman Brother-in-Law Unm[arried] Male 18 Bricklayer (Journ[eyman]) Hants, Bursledon
17 95 Cottages 1 John Wither Head W[idow] Male 64 Barge Master Hants, Exbury New Forest
Elizabeth Goddard Housekeeper W[idow] Female 70 Housekeeper (Domestic) Hants, Bursledon
Ann Goddard Boarder Mar[rried] Female 36 Dress Maker & Seaman's Wife (M[erchant] S[hip]) Hants, Swanwick Titchfield
Frederic Goddard Boarder Unm[arried] Male 8 mo Hants, Bursledon
17 96 Cottages 1 Mary Talbot Housekeeper Unm[arried] Female 46 General Servant Domestic Hants, Bursledon
Emma Brock Visitor Unm[arried] Female 14 General Servant (Unemployed) Hants, Bursledon
17 97 Cottages 1 Joseph Wiltshire Head Mar[rried] Male 32 Mariner (Merchant Ship) Ireland
Margaret Wiltshire Wife Mar[rried] Female 28 Mariner's Wife Hants, Bursledon
Lucy Wiltshire Dau[ghte]r Female 9 Scholar Hants, Bursledon
Joseph J. Wiltshire Son Male 5 Scholar Hants, Bursledon
Margaret Wiltshire Dau[ghte]r Female 3 Hants, Sarisbury Titchfield
17 98 Cottages 1 Charles Bevis Head Mar[rried] Male 35 Fisherman Dorset, Warmwell
Elizabeth Bevis Wife Mar[rried] Female 33 Fisherman's Wife Hants, Sarisbury Titchfield
Charles B. Bevis Son Male 6 Scholar Hants, Sarisbury Titchfield
James C. Bevis Son Male 5 Scholar Hants, Sarisbury Titchfield
William F. Bevis Son Male 3 Hants, Sarisbury Titchfield
Almma H. Bevis Son Male 1 Hants, Sarisbury Titchfield
17 99 Cottages 1 Thomas Forest Head Mar[rried] Male 34 Master of Yacht Cornwall, Falmouth
Keziah A. Forest Wife Mar[rried] Female 31 Master of Yacht's Wife Hants, Bursledon
18 Keziah F. Forest Dau[ghte]r Female 6 Scholar Hants, Bursledon
Joseph C. Forest Son Male 4 Scholar Hants, Bursledon
Mary M. Forest Dau[ghte]r Female 2 Hants, Bursledon
Charles H. Forest Son Male 6 mo Hants, Bursledon
18 100 Cottages 1 George Eames Head Mar[rried] Male 37 Gardener (Jobbing) Hants, Fareham
Mary A. Eames Wife Mar[rried] Female 35 Gardener's Wife Devon, Plymouth
18 101 The New Inn 1 Daniel Birch Head Mar[ried] Male 46 Innkeeper Bedford, Battlestone
Hannah Birch Wife Mar[ried] Female 43 Innkeeper’s Wife Buckingham, Ferry Stratinn
James Birch Son Unm[arried] Male 16 General Labourer Hants, Southampton
Joyce Birch Dau[ghte]r Female 14 Innkeeper’s Daughter Hants, Southampton
Daniel Birch Son Male 10 Scholar Hants, Southampton
Hannah Birch Dau[ghte]r Female 8 Scholar Hants, Southampton
John Iriam Boarder Unm[arried] Male 33 General Labourer Hants, Lymington
18 102 Orne House 1 William Lucas Head Mar[rried] Male 38 Clerk in R. V. Hosp[ital] Netley Civil Servant Kent Maidstone
Sarah E. Lucas Wife Mar[rried] Female 37 Clerk's Wife Kent Chatham
John H. Lucas Son Male 3 mo Hants Hound
Ellen W. Lucas Dau[ghte]r Female 12 Scholar Kent Chatham
Henrietta S. Lucas Dau[ghte]r Female 7 Scholar Hants Hound
Wilhelmina D. Lucas Dau[ghte]r Female 5 Scholar Hants Southampton St Marys Extra
Mildred E. Francis Dau[ghte]r Female 3 Hants Hound
Martha Lucas Serv[ant] Unm[arried] Female 15 General Serv[ant] (Domestic) Hants Fordingbridge
18 103 House & Shop 1 George Batchelor Head Mar[rried] Male 51 General Dealer Hants Bursledon
Sarah Batchelor Wife Mar[rried] Female 49 General Dealer's Wife Hants Bursledon
Elizabeth Corbin Dau[ghte]r W[idow] Female 26 Shop Keeper (Gen[eral]) Hants Bursledon
Louisa Batchelor Dau[ghte]r Unm[arried] Female 16 Dealer's Daughter Hants Bursledon
19 Maurice Batchelor Son Male 9 Scholar Hants Bursledon
Harry Corbin Grandson Male 1 Hants Bursledon
19 104 Cottage 1 George Snook Head Mar[rried] Male 24 Gardener (Domestic) Hants Bursledon
Eliza Snook Wife Mar[rried] Female 33 Gardener's Wife Hants Bursledon
William Spencer Son in Law Unm[arried] Male 16 Agricultural Labourer Hants Bursledon
Stephen Spencer Son in Law Unm[arried] Male 8 Hants Bursledon
Ellen Snook Dau[ghte]r Female 1 Hants Bursledon
Albert Snook Son Male 3 mo Hants Bursledon